- allocate
Bitmap allocate(armos.math.Vector2i size, armos.graphics.ColorFormat colorType)
- allocate
Bitmap allocate(int width, int height, armos.graphics.ColorFormat colorType)
- colorFormat
ColorFormat colorFormat()
- height
int height()
- numElements
int numElements()
Return the number of Elements.
- pasteInto
Bitmap pasteInto(Bitmap!(T) targetBitmap, int x, int y)
Paste a arg bitmap into this for the given position.
- pixel
Bitmap pixel(int x, int y, int index, T value)
Set value to the pixel for the given index and position.
- pixel
armos.graphics.Pixel!(T) pixel(int x, int y)
Return the pixel for the given position.
- pixel
Bitmap pixel(int x, int y, armos.graphics.Pixel!(T) pixel)
Set pixel to the pixel for the given position.
- setAllPixels
Bitmap setAllPixels(int index, T level)
Set value to all pixels for the given index.
- setFromAlignedPixels
Bitmap setFromAlignedPixels(T* pixels, int width, int height, armos.graphics.ColorFormat format)
Generate a bitmap from the aligned pixels
- size
armos.math.Vector2i size()
- swapRAndB
Bitmap swapRAndB()
- width
int width()
Bitmapデータを表すstructです. 画素を表すPixelの集合で構成されます.