- Rewind
Source Rewind()
- buffer
Source buffer(Buffer b)
- currentPlaybackIndex
size_t currentPlaybackIndex()
- currentPlaybackTime
float currentPlaybackTime()
- currentSpectrum
Spectrum!double currentSpectrum(size_t channel, size_t bufferSize)
- direction
Source direction(V v)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- direction
Vector4f direction()
- gain
Source gain(float g)
- gain
float gain()
- isLooping
Source isLooping(bool f)
- isLooping
bool isLooping()
- pause
Source pause()
- play
Source play()
- position
Source position(V p)
- position
Vector4f position()
- state
SourceState state()
- stop
Source stop()
- velocity
Source velocity(V v)
- velocity
Vector4f velocity()